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Méér dan 20 jaar ervaring

Absolu | Vertrouwenspersoon | Stage- en afstudeerbegeleiding | Dagvoorzitterschap
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Stage- en afstudeerbegeleiding
Zoekt u een BKE-gecertificeerde stage- of afstudeerbegeleider? Dan bent u bij mij aan het juiste adres! Meer dan honderd Nederlandse en internationale studenten heb ik in de afgelopen twee decennia begeleid tijdens stage en afstuderen. Dit waren studenten van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, Fontys Tilburg en Team Academy Amsterdam. De testimonials hieronder zijn terug te vinden op LinkedIn bij Recommendations.
Rosaria, HBO-student
She is one of the kindest and most supportive people I know. Her guidance helped me through some challenging times, and her positive attitude always inspired me to keep pushing forward. She has a unique ability to create a welcoming environment, making everyone around her feel valued and understood.
Olga, HBO-student
Miriam is an active listener, a problem-solver, an amazing mentor and teacher. If you are lucky enough to cross paths with her, you will instantly understand what I mean.
Dasha, HBO-student
She has helped many students resolve their professional and personal problems, as well as took initiative in working on and completing projects at the University to ensure the best result. Miriam always goes the extra mile to ensure the perfect outcome, while making everyone happy.
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